Monday, December 1

Aqilah Naqlis Nazeri

Tagged by Lis! Haven't done one in.. Ages, I guess.
1. Will you ever turn vegan?
Prolly not o.o

2. Who is more important to you? friends/boy/girlfriends

3. Have you ever thought of getting married?
Er, yeah? Yeah.

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
Um, maybe. But not enough.

5. How many babies do you want?
2 boys 2 girls!

6. What is your goal for this year?
The year's getting old.

(own question)
7. What do you think of scene queens?
What do YOU think of scene queens?! 8)))

8. In your opinion, what are the characteristics of the perfect boy/girlfriend?(10 characteristics)
1. Decent looking with scruffy hair :D
2. Good heart
3. Not spoilt
4. Non-smoker
5. Loving and understanding
6. Caring
7. Dresses well
8. Taller than me :s
9. Fluent English, well mannered.
10. Loves and loved by friends and family, word.

9. What feeling do you love most?
To be loved, to be loved, what more could you ask for? ;)

10. What is your bad habit?
I take other people's food without permission.

11. Is there anything you want to tell people who hate you?
So, do you like cheese?

12. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?

13. What does flying mean to you?
To move through the air with wings? Mhm.

14. Who do you love?
Family and friends.

15. Who do you think is hotter?
edward cullen or jacob black?
Is that a trick question?! James 8) Haha.

16. Describe the person who tagged you in 7 words
Lis : Uber smart and pretty. The whole package! ;D

17. What would you really like to do right now?
Talk to Wilma :(

18. What will you become in the next 10 years?
Super smart (to a point to fully please parents) with great academics history, and studying somewhere overseas, please?

19. How to find the right partner
Socialize, yeah.

20. What are you wishing for right NOW?
Tuesdayy, pretty please? (:

I hereby tag>>> Esmeralda Noor, Nadiah Roslan, Nadiah Ramli :)
Mai Najihah, Elynna Hashri, Seri Sarah, Siti Sarah. And anyone who wants to do this :)

Instructions: Remove one question from above and add in your personal question. Make a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people. List them out at the end of the post. Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged. Who ever does the tag will have blessings from all.And that's it!

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