Monday, February 9


Just a short update - Went to OU, watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button today. Though some of you might think it's a darn boring movie, I'd have to disagree. It's a sad, meaningful movie - which lasted nearly three hours, but made me cry nontheless. Brad freakin' Pitt, so freakin' awesome :) And the parts where he grew younger until he looked as if he's 17 years old, boy oh boy, the wonders make up can do to you. Amazing. Initially, I wanted to watch Bride Wars but when I tried booking tickets last night, well, it was fully booked, GSC and TGV. I'll prolly end up buying the DVD anyway. So I've still got some homework left to do, I hope to have an early night tonight. Have a good Tuesday, everybody :)


IBU said...

I so lurv the movie too! Must go find who's the make up artist that helped make Mr Pitt looked so damn young.

I think itu Cate Blanchet acting could be an Oscar nomination ler.

Hanna Haizal said...

Oh YES. When Brad Pitt was supposed to look 17, he really did look 17! And Cate's acting was pretty cool too, her make up was the bombbb :D
